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Your comfort is our priority every single time you step into our office. We understand that various surgical and non-surgical procedures require suspending this comfort in favor of achieving beautiful results. That’s why we have recently begun to offer a safe, easy-to-use pain & 叫做Pro-Nox的焦虑缓解系统.

Pro-Nox helps you to relax and feel more prepared when receiving a treatment that helps you look and feel your best!


Pro-Nox is a nitrous oxide delivery system that provides patients with fast-acting relief during aesthetic treatments. The one-way valve is powered pneumatically, meaning it is controlled by the user’s inhalation. 通过简单地调整呼吸的深度和频率, you have the power to determine the right amount of nitrous oxide you need from moment to moment to maintain consistent comfort. The best part? Pro-Nox is temporary and won’t last any longer than you want it to! 你甚至可以在使用后自己开车回家.

Pro-Nox is available to add on to virtually any in-office procedure, meaning you can choose your treatments with confidence — focus less on the worry, 更多关于你的结果!


  • Safe & 即时疼痛处理
    • Oxygen and nitrous oxide delivery has long been used in pain management. It provides immediate 缓解任何人承受压力或痛苦的情况, 意思是你不用等它起作用了.
  • 自我管理
    • Pro-Nox is the only pain management tool where YOU are in control of the level of medication administered. 这使患者能够控制自己的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网, 什么是激发自信的重要部分. You are free to determine the depth and frequency of inhalation based on your current comfort level.
    • Your provider will be there to observe and provide guidance for how much Pro-Nox is appropriate if you are unsure.
  • 短期效应
    • One of the major benefits of Pro-Nox is that it wears off quickly. 不像其他止痛药, you are safe and able to drive yourself home and can continue on with the rest of your daily activities right after your treatment. It also means that if you don’t love the effects, they will quickly fade.
  • 市场历史悠久
    • Pro-Nox nitrous oxide is a very well-established pain management system in in labor & delivery settings, dental practices, and in a variety of other medical domains. 我们很高兴能提供这种久经考验的舒适方法.


如果你在牙医那里用过一氧化二氮, 那你应该知道Pro-Nox会给你带来什么. The main difference (and massive benefit) of Pro-Nox is that YOU are in control of how much of the nitrous oxide is administered. 手持Pro-Nox喷雾器软管, you can choose to inhale more or less frequently based on the level of discomfort you are experiencing at any given time.

不是每个人都有资格使用Pro-Nox. 不过别担心! We provide a range of methods to help you stay relaxed and worry-free during your treatment. Let our team know if you’re feeling any anticipation and we will recommend a customized solution for you.



Our 委员会认证的整形外科医生 and staff perform minimally-invasive surgical procedures under local anesthesia right here in our procedure room. 在您的咨询期间, you may discuss using Pro-Nox during your procedure to maintain optimum comfort the whole way through!


Pro-Nox也可以添加到我们的许多 非手术服务. 您可以要求Pro-Nox提供的一些服务包括:

  • 注射,比如肉毒杆菌,填充物,Kybella,
  • 激光澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网,比如Halo, BBL, diVa, diVaTyte
  • PRP treatments for 性的健康 (like the “O-Shot”) and 头发恢复
  • Many more

确保Pro-Nox系统在您访问期间可用, 我们建议您在预定时提出要求. 如果你不提前要求使用Pro-Nox,不用担心! If it is available, your provider may ask you if you would be interested in adding it to your visit. You can also simply request to use Pro-Nox when you arrive for your appointment!


Worrying about pain and discomfort can be a big challenge for patients planning aesthetic procedures. 预期澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网的感觉是正常的, but the expectation of discomfort can also be a huge barrier for patients to get the treatments they want. We also recognize the major benefit of the way Pro-Nox reduces the need for other types of prescription pain medications.

Pro-Nox为患者提供了无与伦比的舒适感, which is exactly how we want our patients to feel when they are in our care. 我们的使命是帮助每一位澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台感受到力量, free from fear, 控制他们的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网计划.


Pro-Nox can easily be added on to any treatment, allowing you to feel more prepared and ready! 你准备好尝试亲诺克斯了吗? 今天在办公室计划你的下一次澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网.


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